River Edge Trail and bridge open
The new River Edge Trail segment between the Eye Clinic of Wausau and the Bridge Street bridge opened to the public Friday, Dec. 23. This includes the new bridge over Stinchfield Creek and a connector trail between the rail crossing on Third Street and the new bridge.
The City of Wausau’s contractor on the East Riverfront Redevelopment Project, Miron Construction and Van Ert Electric, have completed installing the bridge railings and trail lighting on these new facilities.
Opening this new segment creates a continuous 2.2-mile pedestrian and bicycle trail along the east bank of the Wisconsin River from Oak Island Park to Winton Street. This milestone has beeen greatly assisted by a $1 million donation by the estate of Lawrence and Jane Sternberg that is directed to the completion of the trail in the downtown area.
While the trail itself is being opened, construction of the other public amenities along the trail in the East Riverfront Development such as the wharf and seating areas is not complete and will not be maintained for public use this winter. These facilities will be finished in the spring.
The City of Wausau invites residents and holiday visitors to come down to the riverfront, see the new facilities and walk off some holiday calories.