Blue-Green Algae Risks
When In Doubt, Stay Out; Keep Your Pets Healthy This Summer
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reminds beachgoers to watch for blue-green algae this summer. Blue-green algae can have harmful effects on humans and pets, including illness if swallowed or inhaled in water droplets or irritation if rubbed on the skin.
Blue-green algae, or cyanobacteria, are photosynthetic bacteria and can appear in two distinct ways. Planktonic blue-green algae look like tiny particles, dust or grass clippings floating in the water and are most often green, tan, reddish-purple or blue. Bottom-dwelling mats of benthic blue-green algae can float to the surface and are often brown, black or turquoise in color.
When environmental conditions are just right, blue-green algae can increase in number to visible accumulations called “blooms.” Planktonic blue-green algae blooms float to the surface and form scums, paint-like conditions or “pea soup” water containing billions of tiny particles. In Wisconsin, blue-green algae blooms generally occur from mid-June to late September, with peak bloom season in July and August when waters are at their warmest.
Blue-green algae grows in all water bodies in Wisconsin. Waters with high nutrient levels like nitrogen and phosphorus are most susceptible to blooms, but even lakes with excellent water quality may occasionally experience small blooms, especially after periods of calm weather. Bottom-dwelling benthic mats are often seen in lakes with clear water since sunlight needs to reach the bottom.
Stay Safe On And Offshore
Most lakes and rivers in Wisconsin are not tested for blue-green algae, so it is important to know what it looks like and always assess conditions before swimming.
Stay safe by following best practices, including:
Keep Pets Safe
Blue-green algae can have harmful effects if ingested by pets. Dogs are not deterred by surface scum and can swallow water while swimming. They may eat floating material in the water or mats washed up on shore or lick blue-green algae from their coats after swimming.
If the blue-green algae they ingest produces toxins, the animals can become ill and even die. Symptoms of blue-green algal toxin poisoning in pets may range from lethargy and weakness to vomiting, difficulty breathing and seizures, requiring immediate veterinary care.
When looking for a safe place for pets to swim, choose the clearest water possible and keep pets out of areas with accumulations of blue-green algae or dense particulate matter. If there's any doubt about what is in the water, keeping pets out is the safest course of action.
Follow these tips to keep pets safe:
Report Blooms
The public is encouraged to report significant blue-green algae blooms to the DNR at Please include the location of the bloom, name of the waterbody, nearest town, county, size and duration of the bloom and overall and close-up photographs for verification. The DNR is unable to test all reported blooms.
Visit the DNR Blue-Green Algae webpage for more information on blue-green algae, including symptoms of exposure and environmental concerns. The Department of Health Services also provides more information and a survey for reporting human and animal illnesses potentially related to blue-green algae.
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