The Wausau Times accepts event information for non-profit organizations to be printed for one week in our “Community Calendar.” Events are published free of charge and edited at the discretion of the Publisher. Please check with event coordinators for possible date, time or location changes. Information listed is as accurate as possible as of our date of publication. Deadline is no later than noon of the previous Friday. Please mail or drop off your information to: Wausau Buyers’ Guide, Attn.: Steppin Out, 807 E. First St., Merrill, WI 54452. Email: Fax: 715-842-5989
[h6]November 22, 2016[/h6]
Kids and parents are invited to a special Family Story Time that revolves entirely around the Thanksgiving holiday on Nov. 22 from 10:30-11:30 a.m. at the Marathon County Public Library Rothschild Branch, 211 N. Grand Ave., Rothschild! Attendees will hear Thanksgiving-themed tales, sing songs and make a fun Thanksgiving craft. Free and open to the public, with all supplies provided. For more information, call 715-359-6208.
[h6]November 23, 2016[/h6]
Teens can get creative when the Marathon County Public Library offers “Decorated Ceramic Tiles for Teens” on Nov. 23 from 1-5 p.m. at the Athens Branch Library, 221 Caroline St., Athens. Teens will use various colored Sharpies to decorate a plain white ceramic tile, which can later be used as a decoration or coaster! Make one for yourself or to give to a friend or family member! This program is free and open to teens only, with all supplies provided. For more information, call 715-257-7292.
[h6]November 26, 2016[/h6]
The Shriners 21st Annual Breakfast with Santa will be held on Saturday, Nov. 26, from 8 a.m. to noon at the Wausau Masonic Center, 130 N. 1st St. (across from the Wausau Mall). This “all you can eat breakfast” is a fundraiser for Shriners Hospitals for Children, which is a health care system of 22 hospitals dedicated to improving the lives of children by providing pediatric specialty care, innovative research, and outstanding teaching programs for medical professionals. Children up to age 18 with orthopedic conditions, burns, spinal cord injuries, and cleft lip and palate are eligible for care and receive all services in a family-centered environment, regardless of the patients’ ability to pay.
Join the Marathon County Public Library for a children’s program focusing on gratitude and altruism on Nov. 26 from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Wausau Headquarters, 300 N. First St., Wausau. After hearing stories about helping others, kids and families can make cards to be donated to local nursing homes and make pet toys to be donated to a local animal shelter. Families are also encouraged to bring non-perishable food items to be donated to the Marathon County Hunger Coalition. Free, with all craft supplies provided. Call 715-261-7220 for more info.
[h6]November 28, 2016[/h6]
Just in time for the holidays, the Marathon County Public Library rill offer an evening devoted to showing you how to properly wrap gifts on Nov. 28 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at the Spencer Branch Library, 105 S. Park St., Spencer. Folks can learn everything from simple techniques to more detailed and unique styles. Free and open to the public, with all supplies provided. For more information, call 715-659-3996.
[h6]December 1, 2016[/h6]
Join the Marathon County Public Library for an evening of board games and card games on Dec. 1 from 6-8 p.m. at the Wausau Headquarters, 300 N. First St., Wausau. A mixture of games will be offered, from classics like Monopoly to new favorites you might not have played yet. Bring your friends, family, or challenge a complete stranger! Free, with no registration required. Call 715-261-7230 for more info.
[h6]December 3, 2016[/h6]
Mosinee United Methodist Church will offer the annual Christmas Candy & Cookie Sale on Dec. 3 from 9 a.m. to noon in the Fellowship Hall of the church. The International Mission Store will also be there with hand-crafted, free-trade gifts from around the world for sale in the lobby of the church. The 150th anniversary cookbooks have arrived and will also be available for sale at $15 each.
[h6]December 5, 2016[/h6]
Need a break from the craziness surrounding Christmas? “Advent by Candlelight,” a relaxing evening of music, refreshments, and the calm that only Jesus can bring, will be held on Monday, Dec. 5, at 6:30 p.m. at the Rothschild Pavilion, 110 Park St., Rothschild. Everyone is welcome to come to this oasis of peace from the storm of too many demands on our time, energy and resources. This annual event is provided free of charge to the community by the local WELS churches. For more information contact Our Savior’s Lutheran Church at or by phone at 715-845-3253.
[h6]December 10, 2016[/h6]
St. Agnes, 6101 Zinser St., Schofield, will hold a Sweet Shoppe Saturday, Dec. 10, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. in Abts Hall. Doors open at 10:30 a.m. Fancy cookies and candy will be available by the pound. Luncheon will include homemade chicken soup, sandwiches and pie. A raffle will offer a top prize of $500, plus additional cash and other prizes.
[h6]December 21, 2016[/h6]
The Mosinee United Methodist Church will be hosting an ecumenical “Shortest Day/Longest Night” service on Dec. 21 at 6:30 p.m. This is often known as a “Blue Christmas” service as we realize that the holidays are not always a joyous time, particularly for those who may have lost a loved one in the past year. Everyone is invited to attend and participate. If there are any questions, please call the church office at 715.693.2125.
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