The local chapter of the Salvation Army is kicking off its annual Red Kettle Campaign on Thursday, Nov. 10 at 11:30 a.m. at the Quality Foods IGA located at 2900 Rib Mountain Dr., Wausau. The bell-ringing campaign officially begins on Nov. 11 and will run Mondays through Saturdays through Dec. 24 at various retail locations throughout the Wausau area.
On hand for the Red Kettle kick-off event will be Salvation Army Advisory Board members, volunteers, and members of local fire departments. The Wausau East High School Choir and Brass Ensemble are also scheduled to perform. The 2016 Wausau fundraising goal will be announced and Kettle Pass buttons will be available. The Kettle Pass buttons can be purchased at the $100 gold level, $50 silver level and $25 bronze level from any Salvation Army board member and all proceeds go toward the Wausau Salvation Army bell-ringing campaign goal.
The Salvation Army is still in need of volunteers for the bell-ringing campaign. Any interested individuals or groups should contact the Wausau Salvation Army at 715-845-4272.
The Salvation Army is a religious and social services organization that is active worldwide and locally in the Wausau area. Since 1912, the Salvation Army has provided basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter, medical and rent assistance, and emergency disaster services, without discrimination, to individuals and families.
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