Memorial Day Parade
Saturday, May 25, 2024 at 11:00 am
The Parade will start at Trinity Lutheran Church on Stewart Ave. in Wausau and end up
at the Opportunity, Inc. building on River Drive. The ceremony will be opened by the
Master of Ceremonies Retired Army Lt. Colonel Ralph Sliwicki. The Everest and East Band will perform and military recruiters will help place the wreaths. The American
Legion, Am-Vets, Man of Honor and VFW will conduct the rifle salute. Come join us and
support our Memorial Day Parade. If you are interested in marching in the Parade,
contact the Parade Coordinator John Pellegrino at 715-551-1039.
Memorial Day Ceremony at Restlawn
Monday, May 27, 2024 at 11:00 am
The ceremony at Restlawn Cemetery in Wausau honors all Veterans that have served
and have passed. The Wausau American Legion Post 10 Commander Tony Nardi will
be the Master of Ceremonies and Retired Army Colonel David Monk will be the Guest
Speaker. The Legion Auxiliary President, Amanda Szalewski will place the wreath. The
Post 10 Color Guard will exercise the Rifle Salute and Echo Taps will be performed.
Bagpiper Travis Niewolny will also perform. The Man of Honor Society will explain the
meaning of the military branch flags. The Scouts of BSA Troop 400 will help raise the
Colors. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend this ceremony.
Story courtesy of John Pellegrino and Mike Heilmann
File photos courtesy of Mike Heilmann
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