Bar Beats
Friday April 19
Open Mic · Renee’s Red Rooster Bar and Grill, Stevens Point. 7 pm. 715-344-9825
Paddygrass · Sawmill Brewing Company, Merrill. Celtic, bluegrass, gospel, sea shanties & folk. 7 pm. 715-722-0230
Still Reckless · The Garage, Wausau. Country. 7 pm. 715-393-4495
Glen Everhart · Malarkey’s Pub & Townies Grill, Wausau. Variety. 8 pm. 715-819-3663
The Bad Downs · Happys Pub, Woodruff. 90’s rock & more. 9 pm. 715-614-7039
Saturday April 20
Dr. Biscuit · Guu’s on Main, Stevens Point. Classic rock & pop. 1 pm. 715-344-3200
The Foxfire Affair · Sawmill Brewing Company, Merrill. Celtic, maritime, folk, sea shanties. 6 pm. 715-722-0230
Stewart Ellyson · Sunset Point Winery, Stevens Point. Acoustic rock & classics. 6 pm. 715-544-1262
Heartstrings Duo · O’so Brewing Company, Plover. Acoustic. 6 pm. 715-254-2163
String Cheese · The Garage, Wausau. Variety. 7 pm. 715-393-4495
Joe G · Malarkey’s Pub & Townies Grill, Wausau. Americana, folk & pop. 8 pm. 715-819-3663
The Bad Downs · Happys Pub, Woodruff. 90’s rock & more. 9 pm. 715-614-7039
Sunday April 21
Chris Okkerse · The Garage, Wausau. Country, rock, pop & classic hits. 1 pm. 715-393-4495
Thursday April 25
Bradley Sperger · The Garage, Wausau. Variety. 4 pm. 715-393-4495
Friday April 26
Charlie Wiggins · O’so Brewing Company, Plover. Acoustic rock, country & pop. 6 pm. 715-254-2163
The Mill Creek Cowtippers · The Garage, Wausau. Country. 7 pm. 715-393-4495
The Jerry Schmitt Band · Mosinee Brewing Company, Mosinee. Country, rockabilly. 7 pm. 715-693-2739
Ready Seth Go · Malarkey’s Pub & Townies Grill, Wausau. Variety. 8 pm. 715-819-3663
Saturday April 27
First Avenue · Central Waters Brewing Company, Amherst. Acoustic. 4 pm. 715-824-2739
Anna Rebecca · Sunset Point Winery, Stevens Point. Jazz, R&B, variety. 6 pm. 715-544-1262
49 Deluxe · The Garage, Wausau. Classic rock, country & variety. 7 pm. 715-393-4495
Burnt Toast & Jam · Malarkey’s Pub & Townies Grill, Wausau. Bluegrass. 8 pm. 715-819-3663
Sunday April 28
Tom Burt · The Garage, Wausau. Variety. 1 pm. 715-393-4495
Saturday May 4
First Avenue & Schmaltz Nouveaux · Sunset Point Winery, Stevens Point. Acoustic variety. 6 pm. 715-544-1262
Alcoholics Anonymous: / AA Hotline: 1-715-503-0880
Parent Aide Triple P In-Home Program · Children’s WI, 705 S 24 th Ave, Wausau. Program that promotes positive parenting practices to address and prevent a range of social, emotional, and behavioral problems in children and teens. For parents of children ages 0-17. 715-660-0397
Marshfield Pickleball · Every Mon., Tues., Weds., and Fri., hosted by the city of Marshfield. Located at the Oak Ave. Community Center, 201 S. Oak Ave. Advanced ticket discounts available through the Parks & Rec department.
Learning Essentials About Parenting · Mondays, Children’s WI, 705 S 24 th Ave, Wausau. Learn how to solve problems and strengthen relationships in your home. Starts at 6 pm. Free. 715-848-1457 to register
Werle Park Plus Neighborhoods of Wausau · 2 nd Monday of most months, Grace United Church of Christ, 535 S 3 rd Ave, Wausau. Meet and discuss neighborhood issues. Use basement entrance off back of church. Starts at 6 pm. 715-845-7051.
AARP Chapter 272 Monthly Meeting · 3rd Mon. of each month. United Way Office, 705 S 24 th Ave, Wausau. Each month will have a speaker discuss a current topic in the news or in the area as well as legislation being proposed that affects those over age 50. Starts at 1:30 pm. 715-571-6189
The Landing Literacy Book Club · 4th Mon. of each month. Book club at the Landing YMCA, Wausau. Book notices at YMCA, Literacy Council and Janke Bookstore. 11:30 am-12:30 pm. 715-841-1855
Senior Bingo · Every Tuesday, hosted by the Marshfield Parks & Recreational Department at Drendel Room, 211 E 2 nd St, Marshfield. Starts at 1 pm. $1 for 2 cards. 715-486-2041
Sweet Adelines Center Point Chorus · Every Tuesday, Harmony House, 3500 Harmony Lane, Stevens Point. Learn and sing 4-part A Capella music barbershop style. Starts at 7 pm. 715-630-3155
Joe & Dough Military Veterans Morning Social · 2nd Tuesday of every month, Elk’s Club, 1132 Clark St, Stevens Point. Military veterans are invited to socialize with others, ask questions or relax. Select meetings will feature a guest speaker presenting a veteran-related topic. Complimentary donuts, sugar-free bakery items, coffee & tea will also be available for attendees. Starts at 8 am. 715-341-6194 for more info.
Pine Tree Quilters Guild · 2 nd & 4 th Tuesday, Mt. Olive Lutheran Church, 6205 Alderson St, Weston. Join us for educational & informational gatherings on the 2 nd Tues. at 6:30 pm & 4 th Tues. at 10 am.
Sip ‘N Swap · 3rd Tuesday of every month, JN Creations LLC, 608 Washington St, Wausau. Every month has a different item to swap. Serving free sip of coffee, tea or lavender hot cocoa during the event. Starts at 3:30 pm. Free. 612-756-1177
Senior Wednesday · Wednesdays, JN Creations LLC, 608 Washington St, Wausau. 10% discount for ages 60+. 612-756-1177
Veterans Weekly Cup-of-Coffee at a Glance · Wednesdays, Denny’s, Rothschild. Veterans can meet and enjoy a cup of coffee and a meal. Starts at 10 am. More info at
Wednesday Night Sessions · Wednesdays, Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Weston. Enjoy a fellowship meal at 5:30 pm. Programs include FISH (for parents and children ages 3-grade 5), Ignite Confirmation (grade 6 & 7), Fusions Youth Group (for grades 8-12), and an adult bible study. Starts at 6:15 pm.
Wausau Morning Toastmasters Meeting · 1 st & 3 rd Wed. of each month, Vino Latte, Wausau. Starts at 7 am.
Central Wisconsin Marine Corps League Detachment 350 · 3 rd Wednesday of each month, 2970 Post Road, Plover. Meet at 6:30 pm. New members are welcome. 715-824-3343 or 715-252-3339 for more info Aspirus Wausau Farmers Market · Every Thursday, Located at Aspirus Corporate Parking Lot, 2200 Westwood Dr, Wausau. Opens 9 am.
History Chats · Every Thursday, hosted online by the Marathon County Historical Society. Learn about Marathon County’s history from Ben Clark and/or Gary Gisselman. Starts at 12:30 pm. On Facebook Live and Marathon County Historical Society’s Youtube page
Out & About · Every Thursday (except 4/14 & Thanksgiving), Jubilee House Free Community Meal, St. Matthew Catholic Church Campus, 221 S 28 th St, Wausau. 4:30 pm-6 pm. 715-848-6120
Wausau Winter Farmers Market · Saturdays from Nov. thru April, Whitewater Music Hall, Wausau. Opens from 8 am-noon.
Stevens Point Quakers Meeting · Every Sunday. Boys & Girls Club, 941 Michigan Ave, Stevens Point. All are welcome! Child care available. Religious education twice a month. Starts at 10 am. 715-344-2593 for more info First UU Church of Wausau Service · Sundays. First UU Church of Wausau, 504 Grant St, Wausau. All are welcomed at the first UU Church of Wausau. Starts at 10:30 am.
Mobile Wi-Fi Hotspots available at MCPL · now until 6/30, all Marathon County Public Library locations. Mobile Wi-Fi hot spots are available for checkout at each MCPL locations. Hot spots can be checked out for a period of two weeks. Patrons must be 18 years or older, have an MCPL card and no reliable internet at home. for more info
Edgar Community Cookbook · now until 9/1, Marathon County Public Library, Edgar. Drop off your recipe at MCPL Edgar or email Recipes may be original or created by others; please include a brief description of each recipe’s origin. After enough recipes have been received, a cookbook will be compiled & added to the library’s collection for the community to enjoy. Free event &
open to Edgar area community members. 715-352-3155 for more info
“Bloomin’ Greenhouse Tour”-2024 · April thru Oct., hosted by the Clark County Economic Development Corporation & Tourism Bureau at Clark County, WI. Go on a self-guided tour to many greenhouses & garden centers throughout Clark County consisting of several plants of many varieties. Start times vary. No cost. For a brochure, call 715-255-9100 or visit
Growing Collective 2024 Plant Sale
There will be lots to check out at our in-person, week-long sale, so mark your calendars!
Sun, May 19 through Fri, May 24 | 12 p.m. – 7 p.m. Sat, May 25 | 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Come check out all of the fresh, healthy, organically-grown vegetables, fruits, herbs, edible flowers, and native plants at the 2024 Growing Collective Plant Sale! In addition to incredible plants, there will also be compost products from Hsu’s Growing Supply, seed potatoes from Whitefeather Organics, and compost bins and pails from Recycling Connections for sale. This is the Growing Collective's 11th annual sale and we're excited to share our seedlings with the community! For more information:
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