Volunteer Opportunities for the Week of April 24, 2017
Meal Delivery Drivers. Wausau Area Mobile Meals invites caring people or groups to take a regular route one day a week, to provide nutritious meals to the homebound. Meals are gathered at Aspirus hospital between 11- 11:30 and delivery takes no more than 1 hour. Contact Nina at 715-848- 5848 or wamobilemeals@yahoo.com.
Active Living Event! Join the Wausau River District as a volunteer for the Open Streets event on Sunday May 21 in downtown Wausau. Anyone 16 and older can find a role with set up/ take down, assisting vendors, collecting surveys and more! Receive a t-shirt, snack and drink! Choose an 11:30 am-2pm or 2-4:30pm shift. Contact Samantha at 715-261- 1926 or samantha.pinzl@co.marathon.wi.us.
Invest in the Life of a Child. Big Brothers Big Sisters matches you and a child for activities that take place at the local elementary and middle schools. “Bigs” meet with their “Littles” weekly, for academic/recreational activities in a safe/structured environment. Contact Beth at 715-848- 7207 or bethg@bbbsncw.org.
Help Greet Neighbors in Need. Use your customer service skills to greet patrons at the front desk at The Neighbors’ Place during select weekday shifts (especially Monday & Wednesday mornings). The role involves answering phone calls and directing calls using good interpersonal skills. Contact Evan at 715-845- 1966 or evan@neighborsplace.org.
Green Thumb? Become a volunteer who assists with weeding, planting & maintaining beds at the Robert W. Monk Gardens. A weekly commitment from an individual/family/team of volunteers is desired. Contact Vickie at 715-261- 6309 or volunteer@monkgardens.org.
In-Kind Donated Items Needed
Gardening Items / Straw Hay Bales. The Neighbors’ Place is planning their garden and can use tools you do not use or need. Contact Kathy at 715-845- 1966 or kbr@neighborsplace.org.
Help Provide Coffee Comfort! If you enjoy your “cup o’joe”, you may be able to give that simple pleasure to those moving forward at The Open Door. Contact Anne at 715-848- 4044 or opendoor319@gmail.com with coffee/creamer/sugar donations.
Cat Litter. Non-scoopable cat litter helps the New Life Pet Adoption Center as they go through 200 pounds a week, while serving the animals who are waiting for homes. Contact 715-443-6699 or all Lynn at info@nlpac.com.
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