Take a moment to think about your childhood and name the books you remember. If you are like many adults the titles, pictures and memories will quickly be recollected, accompanied by several positive emotions.
United Way wants to ensure that many more books get into the hands of kids. As part of our Education focus, we launched the Ready to Ready Bookshelf Project on June 21, the Day of Action.
Thanks to many individuals, groups and companies, over 2570 gently used or new books were donated. They were cleaned by volunteers and will fill the shelves of five blue bookshelves painted by volunteers. Bookshelves have been placed at Marathon County Social Services, The Neighbors’ Place, The Wausau Center Mall near the Children’s Museum, Catholic Charities and Women Infants and Children locations.
Parents and children are encouraged to choose a book to take home. Owning a book that can be read together and/or independently, will foster a positive affinity for reading. It will increase brain power and instill a sense of pride, independence and self-confidence!
Now take a moment to consider the life of a local child who chooses a book and how that book will become a meaningful memory, as the joy of reading becomes a part of that child’s life! If you want to invest in this purpose and the ongoing Ready to Read Bookshelf Project, consider the following options:
•Volunteer to pick up, clean, label or deliver books to the bookshelves.
•Host a book drive with your company, family and friends or civic group and donate the books to Ready to Read
•Host a bookshelf at your organization or business.
Contact Jacque Sirianni at 715-298-5723 or jsirianni@unitedwaymc.org with any questions.
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