The Marathon County Historical Society presents ‘I Remember When …’
Do you wonder what life was like back in Grandma and Grandpa’s childhood? Do your younger family members wonder what your childhood was like? Are details starting to fade from your own memory? How about writing down those stories?
The Marathon County Historical Society is starting an “I Remember When” Club to encourage people to write their stories and consider sharing them with their children, grandchildren, friends and neighbors. It is not meant to be a writing critique group, so much as people encouraging each other to remember and honor their own stories.
The related exhibit, “Our Stories: The History of Marathon County,” shows the importance of the everyday lives of ordinary people who lived, worked and played in our area. Everyone’s story contributes to the vibrancy of the community.
The first meeting of the “I Remember When” Club will be at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, May 10, at the Woodson History Center. Subsequent meetings will be monthly on the second Thursday mornings at 10:30 am. There is no charge for participating.
Whether you are an older person who wants to preserve memories for posterity, or you are a younger person who wants to collect those stories from a loved one, this club is for you.
For more information, call Sandy at the Historical Society, 715-842-5750.