Blake Opal-Wahoske appointed to serve as interim executive director of Wausau River District
The Wausau River District, Inc. Board of Directors announces that Blake Opal-Wahoske has accepted the appointment of Interim Executive Director while the Board seeks to fill the position of Executive Director on a permanent basis.
Blake will begin his duties on March 9, 2018. Blake replaces Elizabeth Brodek who has announced her resignation from the River District effective March 9.
Blake has worked with Brodek and the River District for almost two years. He also owns a health and wellness business.
Wausau River District, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, formed in 2002 with the purpose to promote and facilitate the economic vitality and historic preservation of downtown Wausau for the benefit of the entire community.
Wausau River District and its affiliated business improvement district include some 150 property owners and over 220 businesses. The boundaries on both sides of the Wisconsin River are Elm Street and Grant Street on the North, 6th Street on the East, 3rd Avenue on the West, and Stewart Avenue and Washington Street on the South.
More information about Wausau River District is available at Blake can be contacted at 715-297-1829.