Get Ready for Springtime Birding
WAUSAU, WI – Enjoying the birds or “Birding” has become one of the fastest growing outdoor recreational activities. One of the best times to enjoy Birding in Wisconsin is in the Spring and May is often the best. So to help you enjoy the birds even more this year, United Way RSVP invites you to a program on Springtime Birding on Thursday, April 27 from 9:30 –11 a.m. at United Way.
The program is presented by Lori Schubring, longtime birder and owner of Wild Birds Unlimited. Learn what birds to get ready for in the Spring, identifying and attracting birds to your yard, what to feed and plant, what birds use nest boxes, good birding areas in Marathon County along with time for your birding questions. This program is part of the Retirement Well-Being series presented by United Way RSVP. To register for this free event, call United Way RSVP at 715-298- 5721.