Community Services
The Wausau Buyers’ Guide accepts info. for non-profit organizations to be printed free in our “Community Services.” Listings edited at the discretion of the Publisher. Please check with event coordinators for possible date, time or location changes. Send to: Wausau Buyers’ Guide, Attn.: Community Needs & Services, 807 E. First St., Merrill, WI 54452. Or email to [email protected]
- Loss of Significant Other Group- Fridays, through Nov. 18, 10 a.m.-noon, Ministry Home Care, 2600 Stewart Ave., Suite 160, Wausau. This series will offer information and support for individuals to cope with the multitude of feelings, adjustments and day-to-day concerns experienced after the death of a spouse, partner or companion. There is no cost to participate, but re-registration is required. To pre-register, please call 800-398-1297.
- DivorceCare Group- Monday evenings, 6:30-8 p.m., Highland Community Church, 1005 N. 28th Ave., Wausau. For more information, call 715-297-4012.
- Wool Inspirations- Third Wednesday of each month, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Good Will Community Room, Rib Mountain. Anyone interested in the hobby/craft of hooking rugs with wool, is invited to attend, free, casual, no protocol. Come and join our craft. Info: 715-675-7732 or email [email protected].
- MS Support Group- Second Tuesday of each month, 9:30-11:30 a.m., NTC Center for Business and Industry, Room CBI 103, 1000 Campus Dr., Wausau. For more information, call 715-359-2022.
- AARP Chapter 272 meeting- Third Mondays of the month, 1:30 p.m., Wausau Downtown Airport, 725 Woods Place, Wausau. The next meeting will be held Nov. 21, guest speaker will be Annette Krautkramer speaking on the “Art of Rightsizing,” Caring Transitions for seniors on downsizing. Meetings will run 10 months from March to December 2016. The Dec. 12 meeting will be a Christmas Party at Schofield City Hall. Guest are welcome. There will be no meetings in January or February 2017. Meetings last about an hour with a quick social afterwards. For more information, call Steve Chow at 715-355-4918.
- Fibromyalgia Support Group- Monday, Dec. 5, 6 p.m., Marathon County Public Library, 300 N. First St., Wausau, 2nd Floor Meeting Room. The topic will be holiday health skin care. Leina Van Natta, Anya Kloth and Donna Krause will speak about healthy skin care ingredients for the body and demonstrate how to make them. For more information, call Donna at 715-302-3851. The Fibromyalgia Support Group provides support and education for those afflicted with fibromyalgia.
- Overeaters Anonymous- Sundays 6 p.m. Unitarian Universalist Church 504 Grant St., Wausau. Info 715-842-3697 or
- Gamblers Anonymous- Open meeting Tuesdays, 7-8 p.m.; closed meetings Fridays and Sundays 7-8 p.m. in the Terrace Room at Mount View Care Center, 2400 Marshall St., Wausau. For more information call 715-297-5317.
- Alcoholics Anonymous- Mondays, 7:30 a.m. and Thursdays, 7:30 p.m. in the library at Mosinee United Methodist Church, 607 13th St., Mosinee. For more information contact the church office at 715-693-2125.
- Journeys of Hope Grief Group- 2nd & 4th Tues. of month, 1-2 p.m., Helke Funeral Home, 302 Spruce St., Wausau. 715-842-3993
- Givers Gain Team Wausau BNI (Business Networking International)- Every Wed. 7:30-9am, 2510 Restaurant, Wausau. Businesses looking to grow are encouraged & welcome to attend. 715-212-6305
- Free chair exercise classes- Every Tues. & Thurs., 9-9:45am, Mosinee United Methodist Church, 607 13th St., Mosinee. Classes focus on stretching & flexibility, open to all adults at no cost. Info: contact the church office at 715-693-2125
- Veterans Weekly Cup-of-Coffee- Every Wed. from 10-11:30 a.m., Denny’s, 1500 Hwy. XX, Rothschild. No agenda. No questions. No affiliations. Just veterans, any age or era. Just grab a cup of Joe, a steady chair and say hello. For more information, call 715-359-6145.
[h6]In-Kind Donated Items Needed[/h6]
- Birthday Party/Open House. On Saturday, Nov. 26, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. (cake at noon) the community is invited to celebrate what is being done for those in transition after jail at The Open Door. Bringing a “birthday gift” (men’s/women’s warm socks, jackets & other warm clothing for the client closet) is helpful but not necessary. Contact Anne at 715-848-4044 or [email protected].
- Getting Ready for Snow! United Way’s Women in Action’s signature project, Rebecca’s Closet, is accepting all children’s sizes of snow pants, winter boots and waterproof mittens to go to children in our community this winter! Also pants sizes 3T – 10 are in demand. Contact Tara at 715-298-5707 or [email protected].
- Electric Roasters for Empty Bowls Event. There is a need now for 24 quart or larger electric roasters for The Neighbors’ Place important gathering on Nov. 19. Contact Kathy at 715-845-1966 or [email protected].
[h6]United Way Volunteer Opportunities[/h6]
- Come On Ring Those Bells. Enjoy greeting people & accepting donations while spreading holiday cheer for The Salvation Army. Contact Ed at 715 845 4272 ext. 107.
- Be a Great Role Model. As an adult you can be a mentor to a young person as a Big Brother or Big Sister. Individualized time, filled with conversation, helps children manage challenges that are part of growing up. Contact Beth at 715-848-7207 or [email protected].
- Elementary Science Assistant. The Wausau School District invites a science-minded volunteer to help students during their K-5 science classes at Franklin Elementary. Contact Roxane at 715-261-0584 or [email protected].
- Meal Delivery Drivers. Wausau Area Mobile Meals invites you to help provide a nutritious meal to the homebound, with a regular route one day a week. Meals are picked up at Aspirus hospital between 11 & 11:30 and the route takes no more than 1 hour. Contact Nina at 715-848-5848, [email protected].
- Join Habitat for Humanity! For over 26 years homes have been built for 62 families (currently working on homes 63 & 64) in the area. If you have a background in Fundraising, Volunteering Development, or PR/Marketing and want to help build success for the organization and our community, contact Jackie at 715-848-5042 or [email protected].
- Volunteer Connection and RSVP (Retired & Senior Volunteer Program) are services that United Way uses to match volunteers or in-kind donated items with agencies in need. Visit or dial United Way’s 2-1-1 helpline for more information.